Food Trip?

Saturday, along with Nikki, Miao, & xiao pang, we went MELAKA! :)  Let me tell you what we did in this 2 days.

30% - On the road
20% - SLEEP
40% - EAT
5% - WALK
5% - Etc


Yeah, We EAT all the time :)


Chicken Rice!!
Chicken Rice BALLS!

Me & Nikki
Durian Ice Shave!
Heaven's Taste, Ice cream BROWNIE!

Nadeje mille crepe cake

Vins de pay Red Wine

Nikki got drunk! :O

This girl plays with her scarf before she go to bed!

 Let the pictures talk.
That's all folks! :P

Starts and ends with a H.

Everyone needs it, but not everyone has it.
Yes. HealtH.

I have been in a giddy status for almost half a year.
Every morning I woke up, I felt dizzy, and I have no appetite everyday.
Till recently, I can't hold it anymore.. IT'S LIKE I'M PREGNANT!! I feel dizzy and puking everyday!

Then, I went to Natural Health Farm and did a organ-scanning-test/ something that scan my organs to see if they are doing well. Well, unsurprisingly, they are all in bad shape. My small & large intestines, my kidney, my bladder they are all rising their white flags, screaming for help!

Reasons? Insufficient nutrition intake.

I ate breads and biscuits almost every morning in this half year. Nutritionist told me that, these breads and biscuits I ate, they did not provide me nutritions, and they took mine instead! Then I know, breads and biscuits aren't really good for health at all huh? And I took a lot of sweet stuffs (MAGNUM! <3) because I thought that I was low in blood-sugar; turning out, too much sweet stuffs cause bones lose their magnesium! *Scary* :-I

Now, I have to take these everyday, to ensure my daily nutritions are good for supplying my body. :)

I'm back, BABY!

Hey bloggie! Sorry for ignoring you so much.. and bloggie, look at you, you're five years old now. :)
(Am I talking to my blog? Yes indeed, I just did.)
Times, people would imagine their blogs are alive. (That's why we blog, isn't it?)
We talked to it, expressed emotions, shared happiness; and of course sadness. 

Well I used to be a blogger who blogged almost everyday of my life, Melliflous is my diary.
I have forgotten when why how, I stopped blogging.

Niways, I'll pay more attention to Melliflous now. (Your owner is back! YaY!)